Tuesday, May 29, 2012


     All of the public service announcements were informative and impacted me in different ways. I thought Lauren had one of the top three public service announcements. I liked the mixture of pictures, video clips, and texts. Her video was well put together. You could tell she really cared about saving the whales and did a lot of research to make such a good video. I never really realized how big of a problem whaling is, and now I am more aware. I also thought that Halie had a good video. I thought that she picked good pictures and had good facts. Halie seemed to know what she was talking about. Her video made me more aware of how global warming is affecting animals, and made me want to help stop it.  Jacob B’s public service announcement was also very good.   It seemed well organized and had a lot of good facts and information.  It looked professional and creative.  I thought Jeff, River, and Alex needed to fix some of their public service announcements.  They were all good, but things could have been done to them to make them better.  I thought Jeff needed to add some more information and make it a little longer.  River’s public service announcement had a lot of text and was a little hard to follow.  I think he could have made it more interesting.  Alex could have put more information in his and made it longer too.  Overall, I thought all of the public service announcements were good and I really learned a lot about different environmental problems.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Blog Reflection~Deforestation

     For the Earth Interactions Project, I researched and preformed a lab on deforestation.  I read the book Bella Coola: The Rainforest Brought Them Home to help me get some research and background information.  This book helped me get a bigger understanding on deforestation: where it happens, why, and causes and effects of it.  It also gave me an understanding on some peoples views on this topic.  Reading this book was a good way to get into doing this project because it really helped me get background knowledge on deforestation.  For my lab, I measured the amount of carbon dioxide in an environment with grass (forest) and and environment with cut grass (deforestation).  Doing this lab really helped me prove the points I was trying to make in the final project.  It also was easier to understand than an article online.  Seeing the carbon dioxide change on the graph was a more visual way of looking at my information.  Before researching deforestation, I never realized what a great effect it has on the environment.  I already knew it had a big effect on animals because of them losing their homes and not having as many food sources.  I didn't know that 70% of the earth's land animals live in the forests, so there is a great amount of animals that could go extinct.  I learned that deforestation causes global warming because not as many trees are there to absorb CO2.  Also, I learned that there could be droughts, deserts, and less rain because trees play a big role in the water cycle.  They bring water vapor into the air, which causes rain.  I think this project went and is going very well.  Along the way, there were times when I was confused how we were putting all of our information together, but I understand it now. 
     Learning about deforestation hasn't changed me or my family directly, but it makes us more aware of what is going on.  There isn't anything my family can change to end deforestation.  We could maybe try to use less paper, but one family doing that out of the whole world isn't going to make a huge difference.  I feel that this project was good for me.  It made me aware of what is happening in the world and what could happen if deforestation doesn't end.  Not only am I now aware of deforestation, but other environmental problems that other people are researching.  The results other people have found could impact my life and make me live "greener".  Overall, after researching and learning about many different problems in the world that effect our earth, I think I will work harder to be more green.  I will turn off lights and unplug appliances when they are not being used.  Basically, I am more aware than I was before this project started.  I hope that everyone can take this information and try to make our community, maybe even the country or world, a better place.

Sunday, May 6, 2012


                In the movie Promises, children with different religions lived near each other in Israel.  Some of the kids were Jewish and others were Palestinian.  Both religions believed the land was theirs because God gave it to them.  They didn’t like the other religion for taking it away from them.  It is sad that most of these kids never want to meet the other kids from the other religion.  They think they are terrorists or would kill them.  All of these kids believe the other religion is wrong and bad because that is what their parents told them.  Their parents learned from their parents, and it will keep being passed from generation to generation if these religions keep fighting and don’t talk to the other religion.  I liked what one of the boys said at the end of the movie.  He said something about how if they never meet each other, they will always keep fighting, but if they could meet and become friends, they could end the conflict between their religions.  The environment these people were living in wasn’t always a safe or good place to live in.  Some of the kids had to worry about terrorist attacks and if they were going to survive the bus route they had to take.  Other kids had to worry about being shot by soldiers for something like throwing stones.  I don’t think these kids should have to live in a place like this, I know I wouldn’t want to.  I would get tired of always fighting with people and worrying about whose land is whose.  I wouldn’t want to see my friends and family die because of this conflict.  Living like this must be really scary.  I think all of these people should live in a mixed community with both religions because they all think this land, Jerusalem especially, is theirs and has important meaning to their culture and religion.  I think they should find a way to end this conflict and live where they want to.

Monday, April 30, 2012


1. Roosters don't lay eggs.
2. ?
3. Tom
4. Bring the grain over while the chicken flies and the fox swims.
5. Beulah and Craig were hurricanes.  Beulah wasn't harmful because it was in the mountains.  Craig could have eventually came to land.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Native American Poem

     The native americans really had a lot of appreciation for their earth.  It seems like they respected their land too.  They depended on the earth and it influenced their life.  They made their supplies from natural things.  The native americans liked nature.  It seems like the native americans were relaxed when they were alone watching nature.  They never overused nature because they appreciated it so much.  I do have appreciation for the earth, but not nearly as much as the native americans.  I wish that everyone had the same appreciation for the earth as they did.  Then, we probably wouldn't have as many environmental problems. 

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Earth Interactions Project

     So far, I have finished my calendar and proposal.  I am halfway through my book and have all the supplies needed for my lab.  I started to grow the grass already, so I can start the lab soon.  Next, I want to finish my book and start the lab.  The only question I have is what are we going to do with the information we collect or how are we going to present it?  Other than that, I understand what we are doing and am happy with what I have done.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

You Tube Going Green Video

     I agree with the people that made the video, we should do something to help the environment.  We could start with little things like turning off lights, unplugging cords when we are not using them, or using less air conditioning and heat.  Then, we could do bigger things like making people aware of how to help the environment or using different energy sources.  I think this video was really good.  It is a good thing that teenage kids care about our environment and want to help.  I think a lot of effort was put into making the video and it probably took a long time to do.  I think after learning how to make our own videos with Mr. Brester, I could do something similar to that.  Hopefully, people realize how helping the environment is important after watching this video, and want to do something to help. 

Monday, March 19, 2012

How Does My Family Conserve Energy?

     My family tries to conserve as much energy as we can, even though we are not always good at it.  First of all, in the winter, we set our heat to only go one when we are home.  It isn't on during the day, and is very low while we are sleeping.  We open the shades, so the heat can come into our house.  During the summer, we don't have the air conditioning on very often.  We open our doors and windows so the air can get in.  We also turn on our fans.  Another way we conserve energy is by trying to turn off the lights when we are not in that room.  We also unplug cords from the wall, like phone chargers, when they are not being used.  The benefit from not using the heat and air conditioning very often is it doesn't cost as much.  It is also better for the environment.  I think it is important that we try to conserve energy.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Mulberry Street

     School let out Thursday, and I was expecting a normal, boring three day weekend.  That all changed that night when I wished upon a shooting star.  I wished that I would have an exciting weekend, so exciting that no one would even believe it happened.  Never did I think my wish would come true, but the next morning, I woke up before the sun had risen.  A helicopter was waiting in my yard.  I walked outside and the helicopter driver told me I was needed in Egypt.  I decided to believe the driver and began my adventure by getting in the helicopter.
     I arrived near Cairo Egypt at the Great Sphinx of Giza.  A man told me about this wonderful statue.  I found out it was completely dug out in 1925 and is taller than a 6 story building.  The statue is one of the tallest stone statues in the world.  The man told me it was missing its nose.  He told me he needed help finding it, so my adventure continued. 
     I was prepared to search everywhere in Egypt.  I started my search looking around the Great Sphinx.  I looked in the pyramids around this statue.  In the pyramid right behind the statue, Kahfre, I was very lucky.  I found the nose of the Great Sphinx!  Everyone in Egypt was so happy.  They treated me with a tour to different countries around the world.  I happily accepted this tour after being promised I would arrive home before my parents got there.  I got on the helicopter, and my day had started.
     The first stop on my tour was 273 miles away at the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem.  This is a beautiful church that was built in 691 AD and involves many religions.  I found it very interesting how good of shape it is in after all the weather and earthquakes it has gone through.  I wish I could have taken a picture to remember this place, but in the hurry of getting in the helicopter that morning, I forgot to grab my camera.  I was just going to have to remember my great experience in Israel. 
     I continued the tour in Oman at Jabreen Castle.  This was a huge castle with 5 floors and 55 rooms.  I toured them all and got to see a lot of cool artifacts.  I wish I would of had more time to learn this culture, but I had a tight time frame to my tours, and I couldn't wait until my next stop: Taj Mahal.
     The Taj Mahal was a very pretty sight to see.  The 22 years it took to build the Taj Mahal seemed worth it.  This monument must mean a lot to the people of India.  The romantic story that goes along with this building is incredible.  I couldn't imagine what it must have been like to live during that time period.  I didn't want to leave this fantastic place, but it was getting later, and I needed to make one last stop.
     I ended my tour back in Africa at the Castle of Good Hope, the oldest surviving building in South Africa. I got a good tour of the pentagon shaped building.  I could imagine myself preparing for war as the reenactments took place.  This was a unique place, and my favorite stop of the whole day, besides Egypt.
     The sun had started to set, so I knew I needed to get home fast.  Unfortunately, the helicopter I had been riding all day was out of gas, so I needed to find a new ride.  Luckily, a private jet was headed towards Wisconsin, so I hopped on the jet. 
     I made it home just in time, but my family didn't believe the adventure I had that day.  If only I would have brought my camera with me, I could have had proof.  I was lucky to have had the great tour of the world, and hope that someone would believe what happened on what was suppose to be a normal Friday!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Student Led Conferences

     I am not looking forward very much for student led conferences.  First of all, my parents already know what I am doing and how in school.  They see most of the work I do, so when I present this to them, it isn't going to be anything new.  I think that talking with my parents about school and my future is good.  Also, I am not even able to go to the conferences.  The times aren't very convinent for me because of after school activities and my parents working during the day, so I am hoping I can schedule a different time or show my parents at home.  I still have some work left on the presentation.  I need to find work from other classes to put into the project.  I wish we would have gotten a little more work time in class.  I am a little confused why we are working on this in ILA when it involves all the classes.  Hopefully all of this works out and everything goes well.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Olympics: Sania Mirza

     My name is Sania Mirza.  I live in Hyderabad, India.  My home is the fourth most populated city in India.  I love where I live!  I was born November 15, 1986.  There are four people in my family: me, my mom, my dad, and my sister.  My mom, Nishi, is an IT worker, the most popular job in India.  My dad, Raj, is a pilot.  He is gone often, so my mom raised me and my sister Eka.  Eka is two years younger than me.  My whole family is really close.  Eka and I do everything together; she is like my best friend.  My family members are the ones that encourage me to stay an athlete and be in the Olympics.  I wouldn't be where I was today if it weren't for them.
     My religion, Hinduism, plays a big part in my life.  My belief in God has helped me prepare for the Olympics.  I believe that my past lives has cleaned all of my sins.  That is why I am so fortunate to be participating in this wonderful event.  I thank God for the great lives he has given me.
     When I was 8 years old and Eka was 6, we started to play tennis together for fun. Eka was never very good at it, but I had found my unknown talent. I loved playing tennis and I was very good at it. My parents encouraged me to join the tennis team at the school I went to. I had practiced tennis everynight when school was over. Eka would help me. It was a great bonding time for us. During high school, I was looked at for my skills. That is where I met my coach who started to train me.
     I had to go to the capital of India, New Delhi, to train for the Olympics.  It was tough to leave my family, but worth it.  I had a great coach, and she prepared me well.  This is the first time I am participating in the Olympics, so I am a little nervous.  I am ready to conquere the challenges that face me in these games.

Friday, February 24, 2012


     I really like using goanimate.  I had never seen a program like this, and I liked how it was animated.  I would rather do small projects for each act than take a test.  I feel like I remember the story more by doing a project than taking a test.  Projects are more memorable.  I hope we keep doing projects like this.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


     I think the Olympics is exciting and fun to watch.  I have watched the Olympics ever since I can remember.  It is something to look forward to, everyone having fun and doing what they love.  I enjoy watching athletes win medals and do a good job because I know there is a lot of training and practice put in for years before they can participate.  I think all of that training would be worth it, not only to win a medal, but participate and show everyone your skills.  The Olympics is special because it is a time when people from all over the world are together, even if they are competing against each other.  It is the only time when people set aside their differences like religion, language, skin color, and ethnicity.  I find it interesting how people from all over the world can set that aside for the Olympics, but the moment it is over, their differences "come back" and cause conflict.  When watching the Olympics, it is fun to see what people from other countries look like.  It would be such an honor to be in the Olympics.  If I could be in the Olympics, I would want to be a part of the soccer team.  I love to play soccer and it would be very cool to play in the Olympics.  Even if I had to train for years everyday, I would still do it.  To me, it wouldn't matter what event I was in, or if I won, I would be so happy to take part in the Olympics.  It would be a wonderful privilege. 

Sunday, February 12, 2012


     Xiaochun had to make a big decision.  He had to decide if he wanted to play the violin at a big competition with a good teacher or move back home with his dad.  Even though his dad wanted him to stay with his teacher and play the violin, Xiaochun decided to go with his dad.  I think I would have made the same decision.  Family seems more important.  Also, since he was such a good violinist, he most likely could have practiced his talent somewhere else.  The only bad part about his decision is he won't be able to have that well known teacher again and play in that big competition.  The good part of his decision is continuing his relationship with his dad and living with him in their home.  I think that Xiaochun made the right decision. 

Monday, February 6, 2012

Weekly Blog: Newton's Laws of Motion

     Newton's three laws of motion are very relevant to my life.  The first law states that an object in motion stays in motion until another force is applied to it.  The second law says force=mass*acceleration.  The last law states that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.  From walking and running to sitting in a chair, I see all of these laws applied in my everyday life.  When I play soccer and kick a soccer ball into the goal, the first law is applied because the net is another force applied to the ball to make it stop.  You experience the third law when you jump.  You push yourself off the floor; the opposite force is when gravity pulls you back down.
     In Romeo and Juliet, Newton's Laws are also applied.  It happens when people are fighting, sitting, and even walking.  Their swords keep moving until it hits someone or something.  When they are sitting, they put a force on the chair, and the chair pushes a normal force up.  Forces happen everywhere, even in Social Studies.  It doesn't matter where you are from or what culture you are.  Forces are a regular thing.  They happen to everyone and everything.   

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Weekly Blog: What do I like about the Academy?

     I think it is a great opportunity we have to be a part of this Academy.  Out of all my classes, this is the one I look forward to going to during the day because what I am learning I can apply to my life.  I really enjoy it because it is one of the only classes where we can use technology in our learning.  In most of my other classes, the only technology ever used is the Smart Board.  I feel that this class is preparing me for real life situations in my future career.  I don't see myself in the future listening to a lecture and being handed a worksheets to apply my skills.  Real life skills include collaboration, research, presentations, and technology, which are all skills we focus on in the Academy.  In other classes I take, most of these skills are not a priority.  In the Academy, we have many choices.  Most of the time we can choose who we want to work with, how we want to present our project, and how we research.  Another reason I enjoy this class is because of the environment we work in.  We have couches, cushioned chairs, and other comfortable places to work.  The work space is also well suited to work on group projects and activities.  I am glad I got this experience of taking this class.  I feel that everything I have done and learned will help me sometime in my life.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Personal Blog: 1/9/12-1/13/12

     We were very busy in ILA this week.  With finals coming up, we reviewed in English, Science, and Social Studies.  We also worked a lot on our final projects.  In art, we finished up or water color projects.  A lot was accomplished  this week.
     To review in English, we practiced commas, semi-colons, colons, underlining, and quotes.  We took the same pretest we took at the beginning of the year.  It seemed so much easier this time!  I am really understanding when to use these different grammar rules better than I did before.  I like how we are integrating English with the other subjects by including the rules when we write papers.  On Monday, we are having our English final.  I think we are well prepared, and it should be easy.  
     In Science, we are still working with the periodic table.  We practiced chemical equations too.  I remembered this from last year, so it wasn't too hard.  We also did a lab.  In this lab, we used the Bunsen Burners to set different chemicals on fire.  The chemicals made the flames different colors.  It was really cool.  Some of the flames turned cool colors like green and purple.  I am looking forward to finishing up the lab.
     We didn't work on Social Studies very much this week.  At the beginning of the week we got to look at National Geographic magazines.  The magazines were very old, and it was fun to look at the different articles, pictures, and advertisements in them.  The point of looking at them was to see what geography actually is.  I thought that looking at those magazines was fun, and an interesting way to learn.
     Most of the week, we worked on our final projects.  I am almost done with my project.  I think that it is turning out well.  All the work time really helped me make it better.  I think I will have it done before it is due, and I am looking forward to presenting it.  

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Personal Blog: 1/3/12-1/6/12

     In ILA this week, we worked with grammar in English,  geography in Social Studies, the periodic table in Science, water color in art, and our final project.  There is a lot going on now since the semester is almost over.  The final project is going good.  I got my idea passed off, and I have started doing the research.  I like how we could pick our own topic, and are getting a lot of freedom.  It is fun to research things that interest you.
     In English, we have been working on commas, colons, semicolons, underlining, and quotations.  We had some quizzes on them too.  We practiced most of these rules in paragraphs we needed to write for the other classes.  I didn't think these rules were too hard.
     We have been working on demography in Social Studies.  We had to practice the five terms, and apply them to our lives.  We also have to write three paragraphs about Asia, Africa, and the Middle East.  In those paragraphs, we are apply our English rules.  
     In Science, we have been continuing to practice the periodic table.  We reviewed a lot of the things we learned already about them, but it was easier to understand this time.  We also got the retake quiz to do.  I understand everything better now, so hopefully it will be easier this time.