Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Water Project Reflection

     I thought that this project went well.  I was very proud of my group for presenting as well as we did.  I think we prepared ourselves well and found good information.  I thought Mrs. Casetta and Mr. Wieczorek had good questions that challenged us.  I was very happy with how everything went.
     When doing this project, I never agreed with selling water bottles at school.  I thought that our topic was hard to defend because almost all the websites we could find were against water bottles, but we ended up finding some information.  Although, I did learn a lot by doing this project.  I learned that bubblers are not very sanitary and good for the school to use.  I never realized how many schools had problems with their water.  Also, I never knew there was such thing as a corn water bottle until I talked to someone who worked at the Waukesha County Recycling Center.  I thought the corn water bottle idea was very interesting.  I didn't find many new facts about water bottles that aren't the obvious.  I also learned information when listening to the other groups.  It was good to hear all the sides that people could take.  I found these presentations interesting.
     I believe that it should be up to students what they want to do.  Just like Mr. Wieczoreck said during the presentations, soon we are getting older and should be making our own choices.  I personally would rather bring my own reusable bottle.  After doing this research, interviewing, and watching the movie Tapped, I think that water bottles should not be advertised in school.  I don't think they are good for the environment, but I do think we have the right to make our own decision whether it be plastic bottles, reusable bottles, or even soda.

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